Custom Theme

A very simple Custom Wordpress Theme Demonstration. Scroll Down to see instructions on how to edit certain components.

Editable Section

To edit the logo, go to Appearance -> Customize -> site identity. To edit the image above, or this image to the right, go to Appearance -> Customize and look for 'section 1 image'. To edit this text and the header, edit the 'Section 1 heading' and 'Editable text' options in the customizer

Default Logo

Create A New Page

To create a new page, go to the Pages -> Add a new page. Once that is done, go to Appearance -> Menus. On the left you will see the title of your new page. Check the box next to it and click 'Add to menu'. It should then appear under the 'Menu Structure' tab. Click 'Save menu' and return to your site. You should see a text link in upper right corner of the homepage. Click the logo to come back to this page. Please note that for this demo, only text will be properly formatted on the new pages.

Note from Naoto

So this demonstrates some of the basic functionalities of how a Custom Wordpress Theme works with Wordpresses Admin Dashboard. Text editing, Image editing, and adding new pages (which are styled to fit the rest of the websites aesthetic) are all fairly easy to implement. With a bit more work, it is also possible to have mutiple different ways that a new page can look (through template files that I can have custom styled), and individual sections of the website (like the editable section above) added, removed, and edited entirely through you guys. Please let me know what you guys are looking for, and I can see if I can get it done on my end.
